Today I have a guest post from a mom, Diane Coombs of New Foundland, Canada, who shares her story on breastfeeding a baby with lip and tongue tie.
Scarlett was gagging, coughing, extremely gassy, and she 'clicked' with each suck, my poor nipples were being crushed and so badly abraded my daughter would spit up blood after feeding. Nursing was making her so tired, she was sleeping through feeds to conserve calories, and was losing weight in a vicious cycle.
I researched what could be causing our issues, trusting my gut that there was something more wrong besides the diagnosis given. I went to a LLL meeting and met a mom whose story matched mine. She was unable to get her son treated locally so she went to see Dr. Kotlow, a pediatric dentist in Albany, NY - the leading expert in the field of tongue and lip tie. Immediately I got in touch with Dr. Kotlow. He diagnosed the problem via pictures I sent him, and I quickly booked our flight: 1500 miles from Eastern Canada to Albany. She was treated (laser revision) and immediately, she latched PERFECTLY!
I am not saying each baby with latch issues is tongue or lip tied, (and not every baby with a lip and/or tongue tie has trouble breastfeeding) but if you are having problems, and seem to have no answers - research it and see if tongue tie (especially POSTERIOR tongue tie) and/or lip tie is the issue. Here are some places to start:
The Hidden Causes of Feeding Problems?
Posterior Tongue Tie Information
Self Help for tongue tie and latch (photos and descriptions which may help you find tongue tie yourself, plus tips on improving latch)
Breastfeeding with an upper labial tie (lip tie)
Trouble Breastfeeding? Look in your baby's mouth. (Overcoming lip and tongue tie with an older baby)
To share with a reluctant provider: The American Academy of Pediatrics' newsletter on tongue tie and breastfeeding
The Myths About Painful Breastfeeding
Tongue Tie Photo Gallery
Cheers, and happy breastfeeding!
She's about 7.5 months here.
WARNING ON NEXT PIC: Post revision scar of the lip tie - might make some squeamish! Before's on the left, after's on the right. The whole look of her face changed! The before pics were takes two weeks before the after.
Her posterior tongue tie - very hard to diagnose unless you know what to look for.
Here is a video on finding a posterior tongue tie:
This is an excellent video on post-frenectomy exercises: Frenectomy Exercises with Melissa Cole of Luna Lactation
If you need help with breastfeeding, or suspect your baby has a tongue or lip tie, a Breastfeeding Counselor , La Leche League Leader, Nursing Mother’s Counsel or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant may be able to help.
Breastfeeding with an upper labial tie (lip tie)
Trouble Breastfeeding? Look in your baby's mouth. (Overcoming lip and tongue tie with an older baby)
To share with a reluctant provider: The American Academy of Pediatrics' newsletter on tongue tie and breastfeeding
The Myths About Painful Breastfeeding
Tongue Tie Photo Gallery
I hope you don't have to jump through as many hoops as we did, and I hope you have someone closer to you who is an expert in the field. See the list of frenotomy surgeons here to find one near you:
Cheers, and happy breastfeeding!
She's about 7.5 months here.
WARNING ON NEXT PIC: Post revision scar of the lip tie - might make some squeamish! Before's on the left, after's on the right. The whole look of her face changed! The before pics were takes two weeks before the after.
Her posterior tongue tie - very hard to diagnose unless you know what to look for.
Here is a video on finding a posterior tongue tie:
This is an excellent video on post-frenectomy exercises: Frenectomy Exercises with Melissa Cole of Luna Lactation
If you need help with breastfeeding, or suspect your baby has a tongue or lip tie, a Breastfeeding Counselor , La Leche League Leader, Nursing Mother’s Counsel or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant may be able to help.
Have you breastfed a baby with tongue and/or lip tie? Did you find the help you needed in your area?